Wind Demon

This is my interpretation of the Gloomhaven Wind Demon (original artwork: There was obviously some creative liberty taken here, but it's really hard to make a plastic miniature to represent a creature that's made of the wind!

I printed this with .05 mm layers and a .25 mm nozzle, "floating" on Meshmixer tree supports. I laid it down on its back, so that the hands and face would protrude upwards. The underside was a little sloppy (almost all of the whirlwind coils needed support at that angle), but the face and arms turned out great. Since those are the parts that naturally draw the eye, I considered it a success =)

It looks like it slices ok with a larger nozzle/layer size (I did a test slice at .1 layers and a .4 nozzle), but I haven't printed it on such hardware and so can't really speak to its success/failure.

I wrote a blog post about how I created this model, you can read it here:

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Wind Demon by VirtuallyJason is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike license.