
Sylph/Air Gensasi assassin

by chocoman88

Sylph/Air Gensasi assassin

Meet Sabe, the Sylph shadow assassin. She was born without legs and over the years managed to save up for some badass chaostech prosthetics. Her shins are blades to add slashing and hacking damage to her kicks. Normally just under 5 feet tall, her legs make her stand at about 6 ft.

This model is designed for table top gaming use. The scale is such that her base should be just barely over an inch. I managed to print a successful model on my first print but she is very very thin. The cape adds required support for a model this size.

My girlfriend and I worked together to make her D&D character. She wanted a female assassin with bladed legs. This is her.

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Sylph/Air Gensasi assassin by chocoman88 is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license.