
Stone Dungeon Door for Gloomhaven

by Robagon

Stone Dungeon Door for Gloomhaven

Now with 100% more Wood Grain

This is a tile overlay replacement for the board game Gloomhaven or any other ~28mm scale tabletop game in need of a door.

This is a remix of the awesome Dungeon Door - Open and Closed by bbzed and Dungeon Game Working Door by dazzlesp. I remodeled the door using, adding wood grain pattern on the door along with some additional material in the arch for support. I had a couple prints break there as I was releasing the hinges.

When releasing the hinges after printing grab the stones nearest the hinges and gently apply some pressure back and forth. You should be able to move the hinges a little bit more each time until they break free.

2019-09-11 Remeshed the stone arch part into a single solid, only the V2 part. It was two STLs overlapping. I believe this should solve most arch printing issues.

2019-02-15 Added bridges between door and frame in a four places to help with printing. Try this file if part gets knocked over even with a brim. Use a hobby knife to cut away bridges after printing.

File Size Updated Download Zip
Robagon_StoneDoor_withBridgeTabs.stl 11.2 MB 4 years, 10 months ago
Preview of Robagon_StoneDoor_withBridgeTabs.stl Preview of Robagon_StoneDoor_withBridgeTabs.stl Preview of Robagon_StoneDoor_withBridgeTabs.stl
Stone_Door_with_Wood_Grain.stl 11.1 MB 4 years, 10 months ago
Preview of Stone_Door_with_Wood_Grain.stl Preview of Stone_Door_with_Wood_Grain.stl Preview of Stone_Door_with_Wood_Grain.stl
Stone_Door_with_Wood_Grain_V2.stl 64.5 MB 4 years, 10 months ago
Preview of Stone_Door_with_Wood_Grain_V2.stl Preview of Stone_Door_with_Wood_Grain_V2.stl Preview of Stone_Door_with_Wood_Grain_V2.stl
Stone Dungeon Door for Gloomhaven by Robagon is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license.