
OpenForge Tavern Bread Oven

by Devonjones Patreon

OpenForge Tavern Bread Oven

I'm starting the process of filling out the kitchen of the Dirty Goat Tavern. This bread oven was designed after looking at a large number of paintings and real bread ovens from the middle ages. It can take a cut down tea light in the interior to give it a really beautiful flickering fire glow.

File Size Updated Download Zip
oven_base_upper.stl 19.7 MB 4 years, 12 months ago
Preview of oven_base_upper.stl Preview of oven_base_upper.stl Preview of oven_base_upper.stl
clay_dome.stl 23.3 MB 4 years, 12 months ago
Preview of clay_dome.stl Preview of clay_dome.stl Preview of clay_dome.stl
oven_base_lower.stl 30.5 MB 4 years, 12 months ago
Preview of oven_base_lower.stl Preview of oven_base_lower.stl Preview of oven_base_lower.stl
bread_oven_complete.stl 74.7 MB 4 years, 12 months ago
Preview of bread_oven_complete.stl Preview of bread_oven_complete.stl Preview of bread_oven_complete.stl
oven_base.stl 51.4 MB 4 years, 12 months ago
Preview of oven_base.stl Preview of oven_base.stl Preview of oven_base.stl
OpenForge Tavern Bread Oven by Devonjones is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike license.

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