
Final conclusion: 28/04/2019 - After trying multiple times to tweak this model for accurate sizes for a miniature and to ensure a good print for FDM printers, I have to give up on it. This might make a better model for a desk or shelf model and I'll keep it here for download. I will try to make another miniature of a mummy, improving on the experience I had with this one.

EDIT: 21/02/2019 - Print tested a couple of this models. While I have to fiddle with the size, its okay to print and use as miniatures. Legs are a bit too fragile, be very careful removing supports, I broke the leg on the smaller one (nothing a bit of Loctite didn't fixed 'tho). I also tested a variant with the hand stretched out and it printed okay but arm and legs broke while removing supports. Its a pretty fast print, I'll do another picture and update once I get to print it on my DLP.

I wanted to challenge myself a bit at the beginning of this year so here is my attempt to a Mummy. Model is 28mm tall. I haven't printed it yet so I'm not sure how the bandages will print. If you do print it before I do, I'd appreciate if you show me your results.
There are two models included, one that will work better for SLA/DLP printers and one I bulked up a bit more that might work better for FDM printer. Enjoy and have fun!

Tips are appreciated and welcomed.

File Size Updated Download Zip
Mummy_FDM.stl 26.0 MB 5 years, 3 months ago
Preview of Mummy_FDM.stl Preview of Mummy_FDM.stl Preview of Mummy_FDM.stl
Mummy_adjusted.stl 17.4 MB 5 years, 3 months ago
Preview of Mummy_adjusted.stl Preview of Mummy_adjusted.stl Preview of Mummy_adjusted.stl
Mummy by Interitusdei is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike license.