
Don't get burned by this spicy little gremlin! A Magmin appears!

Two sizes provided, but feel free to scale as you desire; Small is "true-scale" to be roughly 3.5 feet high at 28mm and is the one test printed. Large will print easier and have more detail present, and will still fit on a 20mm Small round creature base. If scale isn't a concern for you, make it as big as you please :D

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Magmin_Large_Smoother.stl 18.6 MB 5 years, 1 month ago
Preview of Magmin_Large_Smoother.stl Preview of Magmin_Large_Smoother.stl Preview of Magmin_Large_Smoother.stl
Magmin_Small_Smoother.stl 18.6 MB 5 years, 1 month ago
Preview of Magmin_Small_Smoother.stl Preview of Magmin_Small_Smoother.stl Preview of Magmin_Small_Smoother.stl
Magmin by ClayRade is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial license.