
I made a model for the Gloomhaven Lurker monster! This guy is a bit like a giant lobster, except without the claws. It was really fun to make, although it was a pain to get it printed! I thought that the facial tentacles would be the worst, but I actually had the most trouble with some of the legs and the arms. Since they are at such shallow angles and are so thin, I had a lot of issues with my support trees not interfacing strongly enough, which led to the bottom of an arm or leg printing and then getting pulled off of its support. To resolve this, I deleted those supports and re-drew them with a .35 mm tip (instead of my usual .25 mm tip). I figured that would make the slicer more likely to completely connect the tips of the support trees to the model (instead of the typical 1 layer "air gap" between the support and the actual model), which seemed to work well.

As always, the .blend file for this model is available to my patrons at ( If you've got a few bucks to spare each month and appreciate my work, please consider joining up!

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Lurker by VirtuallyJason is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike license.