Inox Archer

After I made my Inox Shaman model, I figured that it would be comparably easy to make an archer to match (since I could re-pose the male Inox Shaman body and then add the Archer accoutrements). It turned out to be a bit more involved than that, but I'm happy with the results! This guy's another challenging print, mainly because it's difficult to find an angle that allows supports to get to both his horns and the bow. I printed this with a .25 mm nozzle and .05 mm layers.

The .blend file for this model is available to my patrons at

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InoxArcher.stl 42.4 MB 4 years, 10 months ago
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Inox Archer by VirtuallyJason is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike license.