Firbolg Druid

Based on one of the two druids in my Saturday game, this is "Blue", the friendly Firbolg druid with his stick. Yes, it's pretty much a full on club for anyone else, but for him, it's just his favorite stick. :D

It is currently not printed yet, this is just a render as the preview.

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FirbolgDruidFigure.stl 3.3 MB 5 years, 3 months ago
Preview of FirbolgDruidFigure.stl Preview of FirbolgDruidFigure.stl Preview of FirbolgDruidFigure.stl
FirbolgDruidFigure.obj 2.5 MB 5 years, 3 months ago
Preview of FirbolgDruidFigure.obj Preview of FirbolgDruidFigure.obj Preview of FirbolgDruidFigure.obj
Firbolg Druid by Valandar is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license.

I thoroughly enjoy modelling and sculpting in 3D, to the point where I actually give the results away! If you would like to support me, I have both a Twitch Channel and a Patreon. Meanwhile, I broadcast the sculpting of these miniatures three times a week - Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 PM Central US time, and Sundays at 8 PM Central US Time, at