
Faerie Dragon

by zeezaczed

Faerie Dragon

My second sculpt, an attempt at a quadruped! I have a lot to learn, clearly. I will be marking this as a V1 as I intend to redesign the wings at some point, optimized to print flat on the bed and be attached separately to allow for better overhang quality and painting ease. This is optimized for FDM printing, so I've got no clue how a resin printer might handle this.

Based off the Faerie Dragon, as a celebration for Baldurs Gate III!

File Size Updated Download Zip
faerieSUPPORTEST.obj 15.5 MB 5 years, 4 months ago
Preview of faerieSUPPORTEST.obj Preview of faerieSUPPORTEST.obj Preview of faerieSUPPORTEST.obj
faeriedragonBASED.obj 11.8 MB 5 years, 4 months ago
Preview of faeriedragonBASED.obj Preview of faeriedragonBASED.obj Preview of faeriedragonBASED.obj
Faerie Dragon by zeezaczed is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike license.