Centaur Miniature 1

by Greywolf0I

Centaur Miniature 1

This is my first ever miniature to create as well as my first time using the sculpt tool in Blender and for the most part Blender all together. I created this because I am currently playing a centaur character in my D&D home game and there are not many centaur options out there. So I created my own. I decided to lean more toward the bestial side when designing the character, as opposed to the more common representation of centaurs. Hence why the more equinesc face. So far I have two poses for the model. The one you see here, and another holding the bow. I will admit there are a lot of smaller details that a .4mm nozzle just won't be able to capture. Which is why I switched to a .2mm when doing this print.

The bow pose can be found here : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3407874

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centaur_duelwield.stl 40.5 MB 5 years, 4 months ago
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Centaur Miniature 1 by Greywolf0I is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike license.