
DM: In the front yard is a classically designed well with a bucket and hand crank. As you look down into the well you see that is is dried up and that at the bottom is a shiny long sword with a jeweled hilt.

Player: I check the rope and crank mechanism to make sure it is in good condition, and if it is the others can lower me down into the well to get the sword.

DM: The rope and crank look strong and you see no sign of rot or excessive wear. The well is narrow, and you have to stand on the bucket and keep your elbows tucked in in order to be lowered down.

Other players: we lower him slowly looking for bad spots on the rope and problems with the winch as we go.

DM: About 3/4 the way down you begin feel a vibration in the ground.

Other Players: we start pulling him up!

DM: you get him about 20 feet from the top. when suddenly you see a dark grey shark like shape, seemingly swimming trough the dirt, burst from one side of the well, bite the rope, and disappear into the other side. With the rope cut you fall to the bottom of the well where you are pummeled by rocks and dirt left in the wake of the beast. You take 6 points of falling damage and you are barely able to move due to the confined space. Then you begin to hear the vibration again. It is coming back for you.

This is a remix of mz4250's work on shapeways.

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Bulette by MagicEngineer is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike license.