
Blue Dragon

by thetrebor

Blue Dragon

(This model is of unknown provenance, if it belongs to you, please let me know)

I found this "Blue Dragon" model in my searches but could not find the original source. It appears to be a custom sculpt someone made available. Please let me know if you would like attribution.

It's a great dragon. Need to provide a link to a list of Gloomhaven critters for 3d printing purposes.

Modified: reduced tri count by 85%, solidified meshes, fixed geometry errors.

File Size Updated Download Zip
BlueDragon.stl 139.2 MB 5 years, 3 months ago
Preview of BlueDragon.stl Preview of BlueDragon.stl Preview of BlueDragon.stl
Blue Dragon by thetrebor is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivatives license.